Rated: Not good enough
price:location: United Kingdom
Our ratings are based on a scale from 1 (We avoid) to 5 (Great) How we rate
Debenhams is owned by Boohoo Group plc.
Debenhams rating applies to the Debenhams house apparel brand only and doesn’t apply to other product categories. Check the individual ratings to learn about the other brands that Debenhams stocks.
Our “Planet” rating evaluates brands based on the environmental policies in their supply chains, from carbon emissions and wastewater to business models and product circularity. Here we rate Debenhams “Not Good Enough”. These are a few factors influencing its score:
Workers’ rights are central to our “People” rating, which assess brands’ policies and practices on everything from child labour to living wages and gender equality. Here we rate Debenhams “Not Good Enough”. These are a few factors influencing its score:
Brands’ animal welfare policies and, where applicable, how well they trace their animal-derived products are the focus of our “Animals” rating. Here we rate Debenhams “It’s a Start”. These are a few factors influencing its score:
Based on all publicly available information we’ve reviewed, we rate Debenhams “Not Good Enough” overall.